
The data includes the following elements:

  1. id: The identification number, assigned in chronological order.

  2. Name: Indicates the gauge group and the representations of the constituent matter fields.

  3. Gauge Group: The gauge group of the theory.

  4. Superpotentials: The superpotential terms.

  5. Length: The number of superpotential terms modulo flipping free operators.

  6. CentralChargeA: The central charge $a$.

  7. CentralChargeC: The central charge $c$.

  8. CentralChargeRatio: The ratio of central charges $a/c$.

  9. Rcharges: The $U(1)$ $R$-charges of the matter fields.

  10. GlobalCharges: The U(1) flavor charges of the matter fields.

  11. RankF: The rank of symmetries of the UV Lagrangian.

  12. Dim3: The coefficient of $t^6$ term in the superconformal index, equal to (the number of marginal operators) - (the dimension of flavor symmetry in IR).

  13. SCI: The reduced superconformal index with the turning off of fugacities for $U(1)$ flavor symmetries (referred to as unrefined).

  14. RelevantOperators: Candidates for relevant operators, identified through the superconformal index using fictitious fugacities; results may not be accurate.

  15. MarginalOperators: Candidates for marginal operators, identified through the superconformal index using fictitious fugacities; results may not be accurate.

  16. RefinedSCI: The reduced superconformal index with fugacities for U(1) flavor charges.

  17. ShortSCI: The unrefined reduced superconformal index up to $t^6$ order.

  18. Rational: List rational numbers if $R$-charges and central charges are rational.

  19. SUSY: Indicates if the fixed point has an $\mathcal{N}>1$ supersymmetry enhancement.