
$a$ =

$c$ =

$\leq a \leq$

$\leq c \leq$

id =

Chosen Fixed Point

Here is the data for the chosen fixed point.
$F_{UV}$ represents the flavor symmetries in the UV Lagrangian, and $F_{IR}$ represents the flavor symmetries in the IR. $F_{UV}$ and $F_{IR}$ can differ due to accidental symmetry enhancement.
The number of marginal operators, $n_{marginal}$, minus the dimension of flavor symmetries in IR, $|F_{IR}|$, corresponds to the coefficient of $t^6$ in the superconformal index.

#TheorySuperpotentialCentral charge $a$Central charge $c$Ratio $a/c$Matter field: $R$-chargeU(1) part of $F_{UV}$Rank of $F_{UV}$Rational
10698 SO5S1nf1 $M_1S_1^2$ 2.2808 2.1128 1.0795 [X:[], M:[0.7555], q:[0.6441], qb:[], phi:[], S:[0.6223], Sb:[]] [X:[], M:[[-2]], q:[[-7]], qb:[], phi:[], S:[[1]], Sb:[]] 1
Relevant OperatorsMarginal Operators$n_{marginal}$$-$$|F_{IR}|$Superconformal IndexRefined index
$M_1$, $ q_1^2$, $ M_1^2$, $ S_1^3$, $ q_1^2S_1$ . -1 t^2.27+t^3.86+t^4.53+t^5.6+t^5.73-t^6.+t^6.13+t^6.8+t^7.47+t^7.6+t^7.73+t^7.93-t^8.27+t^8.4 t^2.27/g1^2+t^3.86/g1^14+t^4.53/g1^4+g1^3*t^5.6+t^5.73/g1^13-t^6.+t^6.13/g1^16+t^6.8/g1^6+g1^4*t^7.47+t^7.6/g1^12+t^7.73/g1^28+t^7.93/g1^7-t^8.27/g1^2+t^8.4/g1^18


Here is the data for the deformed fixed points from the chosen fixed point.

#SuperpotentialCentral Charge $a$ Central Charge $c$ Ratio $a/c$$R$-chargesSuperconformal IndexMore Info.Rational
10701 $M_1S_1^2$ + $ M_1^2$ 1.9805 1.6367 1.21 [X:[], M:[1.0], q:[1.5], qb:[], phi:[], S:[0.5], Sb:[]] t^3.+t^4.5+t^6. detail {a: 507/256, c: 419/256, M1: 1, q1: 3/2, S1: 1/2}
10702 $M_1S_1^2$ + $ q_1^2S_1$ 2.2772 2.0993 1.0847 [X:[], M:[0.7692], q:[0.6923], qb:[], phi:[], S:[0.6154], Sb:[]] t^2.31+t^4.15+t^4.62+t^5.54 detail {a: 80049/35152, c: 18449/8788, M1: 10/13, q1: 9/13, S1: 8/13}

Equivalent Fixed Points from Other Seed Theories

Here is a list of equivalent fixed points from other gauge theories.

#TheorySuperpotentialCentral Charge $a$ Central Charge $c$ Ratio $a/c$$R$-chargesSuperconformal IndexMore Info.Rational
10708 SO5S1nf2 $q_2^2$ + $ M_1S_1^2$ 2.2808 2.1128 1.0795 [X:[], M:[0.7555], q:[0.6441, 1.0], qb:[], phi:[], S:[0.6223], Sb:[]] t^2.27+t^3.86+t^4.53+t^5.6+t^5.73-t^6. detail

Equivalent Fixed Points from the Same Seed Theory

Below is a list of equivalent fixed points from the same seed theories.

id Theory Superpotential Central Charge $a$ Central Charge $c$ Ratio $a/c$ $R$-charges More Info. Rational

Previous Theory

The previous fixed point before deforming to get the chosen fixed point.

#TheorySuperpotentialCentral Charge $a$ Central Charge $c$ Ratio $a/c$$R$-chargesSuperconformal IndexMore Info.Rational
10694 SO5S1nf1 . 2.262 2.078 1.0885 [X:[], M:[], q:[0.648], qb:[], phi:[], S:[0.6217], Sb:[]] t^3.73+t^3.89+t^5.6+t^5.75-t^6. detail